Website of the Cop is a program that is able to monitor, improve and inform you in real time (by email) If Your website page or file has been modified. Users with bad intensi can infect your Web page with a hidden iframe, javascript exploits, malicious code and so on.
With Cop Website, monitor the page and automatically repaired files with the original files. If the code of the remote file has been modified and is different from the original. It is very important to fix an infected web page as soon as possible to avoid any visitor infected, with the program everything is automatic and you don't need to worry about.
With Cop Website, monitor the page and automatically repaired files with the original files. If the code of the remote file has been modified and is different from the original. It is very important to fix an infected web page as soon as possible to avoid any visitor infected, with the program everything is automatic and you don't need to worry about.
- Automatically fix file modified
- Monitor files in your website
- Notification via Email
- Settings are stored encrypted
- Works on the background screen
File size: 1.2 MB (freeware)
Operating system: Windows All | 32 and 64 bit.
Operating system: Windows All | 32 and 64 bit.
Download Software Website Cop >> Here.
Description: Free Download software Website Cop
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: Lala Khasanah
ItemReviewed: Free Download software Website Cop
Posted by: Lala Khasanah
Khazanah Blog, Updated at: 7:01 PM