Apr 5, 2012

Learning Science Through Computer Games and Simulations

Simulations and games could play a significant role by addressing many goals and mechanisms for learning science: the motivation to learn science, conceptual understanding, science process skills, understanding of the nature of science, scientific discourse and argumentation, and identification with science and science learning. Learning Science will guide academic researchers; developers, publishers, and entrepreneurs from the digital simulation and gaming community; and education practitioners and policy makers toward the formation of research and development partnerships that will facilitate rich intellectual collaboration.


Executive Summary
  1. Introduction
  2. Learning with Simulations and Games
  3. Simulations and Games in the Classroom
  4. Simulations and Games in Informal Learning Contexts
  5. The Role of Simulations and Games in Science Assessment
  6. Bringing Simulations and Games to Scale
  7. Research Agenda for Simulations and Games
References and Bibliography

A Commissioned Papers
B Workshop Agenda
C Biographical Sketches of Committee Members
with TOC BookMarkLinks
Description: Learning Science Through Computer Games and Simulations Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: Lala Khasanah ItemReviewed: Learning Science Through Computer Games and Simulations

Posted by: Lala Khasanah
Khazanah Blog, Updated at: 11:03 PM
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