Apr 7, 2012

Software for Securing Folders and files

Is there any software for securing files and folders? That's the core questions to be answered by this article. There is a separate kerepot if one computer is used by many people. There is a possibility you save confidential files or video secret you do not want other people to see it. If so you need to secure your files and folders from the hands of ignorant. Actually, there are separate ways the simple provisioning of windows that can be used for securing folders and files. However his name is simple, that is very easily hacked.As a solution, here are some free software that you can use to secure your files and folders.
  • Folder Lock. This Software is free for securing folders. Folder Lock is a software lock folder. Its functionality is similar like the padlock, lock folder relocated can not be opened. Folder Lock will bring up a dialog box to fill in the password each file is clicked. Good is all of the files in that folder will be automatically locked as well. The facilities offered are also diverse, ranging from protection from viruses, encrypts and scrambles the data. 
  • Cryptainer LE. This Software makes data container or folder which you can use to store a wide variety of data. You just copy the files into it will be encrypted into the folder in question. Good again, this will not only be able to work on the computer but can also be used in the other storage such as flash disk drives, CD ROM, and others.
  • MySecretFolder. His name is also a secret, so roughly the point to keep secret folder. This Software has the option to select a feature to hide the directory or folder with password protection. The first option only hides it without protecting it with a password. The second option files with password protection. This application can be downloaded here; http://www.my-secret-folder.com/.
  • FileGhost. Nah kalo who was more excited, because his name is ghost .... FileGhost is an alternative tool to another. Its function is the same, to protect a file or folder. With this program, You can securely lock, hide, deny (deny) file reading, writing, prevent file deletion step file (deleting), copy (copying), displacement (moving, renaming files/folders (renaming) and replacing. This protection Program can also be applied on files, folders, volumes of hard disks, CD/DVD-ROM drive, flash cards or other storage media, regardless of which file system to use (FAT or NTFS).
Thus, for this time, in the hope that the folders and files you have will be safe from the hands of ignorant. Good luck.4.5
Description: Software for Securing Folders and files Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: Lala Khasanah ItemReviewed: Software for Securing Folders and files

Posted by: Lala Khasanah
Khazanah Blog, Updated at: 11:34 AM
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